הודעה בדבר נוסח כתב התחייבות

הודעה בדבר נוסח כתב התחייבות אני מודיע לפי סעיף 8(ב) ו-18 (א1)(2) לחוק לעידוד מחקר ופיתוח בתעשיה, התשמ"ד-1984, כי נוסח כתב התחייבות של מקבל אישור, בעל שליטה או בעל ענין המדווח לוועדת המחקר על שינוי בהחזקה באמצעי שליטה במקבל האישור, יהיה כמפורט בתוספת. תוספת To: The Research Committee The Office of the Chief Scientist Jerusalem Relating to projects that have been financed. by or are currently being financed. by the Office of the Chief Scientist of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor (the “OCS”) Undertaking We, the undersigned, of Recognizing that the Company's research and development Projects are currently, have been or will be yllaicnan supported by the Government of the State of Israel, through the OCS under and subject to the provisions of The Encouragement of Research and Development in Industry Law 5744-1984 the) D&R" Law") and the regulations, rules and procedures promulgated there under; Recognizing that the R&D Law places strict constraints on the transfer of know-how and/or production rights, making all such transfers subject to the absolute discretion of the OCS' research committee the) Research Committee”), acting in accordance with the aims of the R&D Law and requiring that any such transfer receive the prior written approval of the Research Committee; Hereby declare and undertake: To observe strictly all the requirements of the R&D Law and the regulations, rules and procedures promulgated there under, as applied to the Company and as directed by the Research Committee, in particular those requirements stipulated under Sections 19, 19A and 19B of the R&D Law relating to the prohibitions on the transfer of know-how and/or production rights. As a shareholder of the Company, to make all reasonable efforts that the Company shall observe strictly all the requirements of the R&D Law and the regulations, rules and procedures promulgated there under, as applied to the Company and as directed by the Research Committee, in particular those requirements stipulated under Sections 19, 19A and 19B of the R&D Law relating to the prohibitions on the transfer of know-how and/or production rights. Date Name (block letters) and signature of Authorized Company Representative and Company Seal 1 י"פ תשס"ז, 2895.הודעותכתב התחייבות